Access & Lifting

Slab Lifter
Handy for lifting big light items, plasterboards, slabs, ducts etc up 3.5m.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Scaffolding Hoist
An electric hoist that attaches to scaffolding. Lift capacity of 150kg and can reach down 25m.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Block & Tackle
Lift engines & other heavy objects easily, 1 & 2 tonne rated.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

25% Off

Two-man grab allowing safe and easy lifting & placing of heavy kerbs.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Double Section 30ft aluminium ladders. Little Giant Ladders.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Step Ladders
Large wooden steps ideal for painting and decorating.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Pallet Truck
Lift and Move heavy objects easily on pallets.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off

Vacuum slab lifter
A 2 man slab lifter for granite or concrete up to 150kg. It makes it easier to have tighter joints for a nicer finish.
$110 / day
$220 / Week
$400 / Monthly
25% Off